As a member of society, Nihon Plast is committed to respecting human rights globally and contributing to corporate and social development and local communities.
We will strive to satisfy all of our stakeholders by raising awareness of the importance of promoting diversity and creating a comfortable workplace through the participation of each and every one of our employees, and by acting with a sense of responsibility.

1. Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Ethics

1. Compliance with Laws,
Regulations, and Ethics

We comply with the laws and ethics of each country and region, refrain from any conduct that may invite suspicion, and never engage in any improper conduct.

We conduct all business activities based on the understanding that fair, transparent, and free competition is the basic rule for corporate activities.

2. Respect for human rights and promotion of diversity

2. Respect for human rights
and promotion of diversity

We respect the human rights of all people and their fundamental rights as workers, as well as the elimination of forced labor and child labor.

We also prohibit all forms of discrimination and promote diversity in our human resources. We provide all employees with equal opportunities to play an active role in the company and strive to motivate them and improve their work efficiency.

3. Protection of the natural environment

3. Protection of the natural

In order to pass on a rich global environment to the next generation, we aim to coexist with nature through our business activities and actively promote environmental conservation activities.

4. Creating a good workplace

4. Creating a good workplace

We ensure the safety and health of workers, optimize working hours, support diverse employment and optimize work-life balance, and strive to improve productivity and workplace environments that are rewarding to work in.

Sustainability Action Guidelines

1. Compliance

1) Compliance with competition laws
Comply with competition laws of each country and region to prohibit acts such as private monopolies, unfair restraint of trade (cartels, bid rigging, etc.), unfair trade practices, and abuse of a superior bargaining position.

2) Prevention of corruption
We will make political contributions, donations, etc. in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country and region, and maintain transparent and fair relationships with our business partners.
Prohibit the giving or receiving of entertainment, gifts, or money to or from business partners for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining unfair advantage or preferential treatment.

3) Management and protection of confidential information
Personal information of customers, third parties, and company employees, as well as confidential information of customers and third parties, shall be obtained by legitimate means, strictly controlled, and used and protected to an appropriate extent.

4) Management of import/export transactions
Appropriate export procedures and controls shall be implemented for the import/export of technology and goods regulated by the laws and regulations of each country and region.

5) Protection of Intellectual Property
We protect intellectual property rights owned by or belonging to the company, and do not illegally obtain or use intellectual property of third parties or infringe on their rights.

6) Responsible Procurement of Minerals
We do not use raw materials related to inhumane acts such as conflict minerals, and practice responsible procurement.

2. Safety and Quality

1) Provide products and services that meet consumer/customer needs
Develop and provide socially useful products* by understanding consumer/customer needs. *Socially useful products = products that are accessible to everyone, regardless of age, gender, disability, etc. Or, earth-friendly products that conserve energy, resources, and the environment.

2) Ensure safety and quality of products and services
We produce and provide products and services that meet the safety and quality laws and regulations established in each country and region. In addition, we establish and operate a company-wide system to ensure safety and quality.

3. Human Rights and Labor

1) Prohibition of discrimination
In all aspects of employment (recruitment, hiring, promotion, salary, dismissal, retirement, job assignments, rewards and punishments, etc.), we do not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, age, origin, or other grounds.

2) Respect for human rights
We do not tolerate any form of harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, age, origin, or any other reason.

3) Prohibition of child labor
Children who have not reached the legal working age according to the laws of each country or region are not allowed to engage in labor.

4) Prohibition of forced labor
Ensure that all work is voluntary and that employees are free to leave their jobs; there is no forced labor.

5) Wage security
Comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region regarding minimum wages, overtime, wage deductions, piece-rate wages, and others.

6) Strict Observance of Working Hours
We comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region regarding the determination of employee working hours (including overtime), the granting of vacations and annual paid leave, and other matters.

7) Facilitate dialogue and consultation with employees
We engage in dialogue and consultation in good faith with employee representatives or employees. We recognize the right of employees to associate or not associate freely in accordance with the laws of each country and region.

8) Maintain a safe and healthy working environment
We place the highest priority on ensuring the safety and health of our employees on the job, and strive to prevent accidents and disasters.

4. Environment

1) Environmental Management
In order to promote a wide range of environmental activities, we comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region, and have established a company-wide management system that we continuously operate and improve.

2) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
We comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region, and strive to comply with future changes in laws and regulations. We manage greenhouse gas emissions in our business activities and promote activities with reduction targets, such as effective use of energy.

3) Prevention of air, water, soil and other environmental pollution
We comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region regarding the prevention of pollution of air, water, soil, etc., and respond in a timely manner to any future changes in such laws and regulations. We prevent environmental pollution through continuous monitoring and measures to reduce and eliminate pollutants.

4) Resource conservation and waste reduction
In addition to complying with the laws and regulations of each country and region regarding the proper disposal and recycling of waste, we set targets to reduce the final disposal volume of waste through the effective use of resources and promote activities accordingly.

5) Management of chemical substances
Chemical substances that may cause environmental pollution are to be managed safely.
Chemical substances prohibited by the laws and regulations of each country or region shall not be contained in products, nor shall they be used in manufacturing processes. For chemical substances designated by the laws and regulations of each country or region, the amount of emissions shall be monitored and reported to the government in accordance with the laws and regulations.

6) Protection of ecosystems
Through all business activities (manufacturing, sales, procurement, etc.), we strive to protect ecosystems and coexist in harmony with nature.

5. Information Disclosure

1) Information disclosure to stakeholders
We disclose information on our financial condition, business performance, and business activities to our stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner, and strive to maintain and develop mutual understanding and trust with our stakeholders through open and fair communication.